Wedding - Erick & Erin


EEEEEKK theres just something that gets me all giddy when I look back over past weddings. All the feels come back and you relive that day. That is why photographs are so valuable. It freezes time so that you can go back and enjoy it all over again. I would also highly recommend getting a wedding videographer because it is a whole different way to remember your big day by and is also incredibly valuable! I love this wedding from last fall. Erin was left with basically NO venue less than a week before her wedding. She reached out to me to see if I had any ideas of who would be available at such a short notice. I posted, texted, and called all my wedding vendor connections. I got 3 solid leads and sent them over. In less than 24 hours these two had a new BEAUTIFUL venue for their big day, The Trivium. I am so excited to share with you a glimpse into such a beautiful day filled with joy and the Lord's provision.